"May I describe it as invaluable?" Bob Oxley, Audio Ideas Guide
At Aurum Acoustics we advise the use of the best quality of source components that an audio system can possibly have. A great amplifier and speaker will plainly and perhaps painfully reveal the flaws of a mediocre source. Conversely, an excellent source almost always finds a way to deliver more music than a lesser one through even the most modest back end electronics. For this reason, we have developed the Intergris CDP to function as the ultimate source component for a wide range of systems and users while sacrificing no performance for any of them. Its value can be justified in even a relatively modest system and its performance justifies its inclusion in the most exotic super-systems.
We only know one way to achieve this level of performance and flexibility in a source component. It requires the careful selection and integration of key technologies for maximum performance. We optimize the interrelationships within the various circuits and sub-components and we eliminate the redundancies, weaknesses, and vulnerable interfaces; all virtues of our key decision to integrate functions - not to separate them. We anticipate that the optimally configured Integris CDP will be our only product in the source category for some time to come. Nothing more or less complex and nothing more or less costly is necessary: right now, only one formulation fulfills our goals and high standards, the Integris CDP.